Best Five Indonesian Archipelago Must visit this place | Vacation Spot

Archipelago Vacation spot Son Of Krakatoa Indonesia is one of country with archipelago and so much of island. Many island in this country is still covered with nature and wild. So this country is very interest to be a vacation spot. And this it best 5 vacation spot in Indonesian Archipelago. Son of Krakatoa The legendary mount of Kraktoa now to be a greatfull and best archipelago a destination to vacation. We can get view mountain, volcano, sea and diving in the side of active volcano and warm sea. To get this place is not dificut we can start from Banten (Java) or Lampung (Sumatra. If we want more explore do it start from sumatra we wild find more of wild nature and beautifull view but minim facilities. Vacation spot Sebesi Island Son of Krakatoa Karimun Java Karimun Java Swing in the Sea This is one of archipelago in the midle of Java. To get this please we must using a ferry from Jepara one city of in midle of Java. From Kartini sea port ...